Books and Resources for Resolving Chronic Pain
Our new book is finally here! Psychophysiologic Disorders: Trauma Informed, Interprofessional Diagnosis and Treatment, is a textbook co-edited by Mags with David Clarke, Howard Schubiner and Allan Abbass. It contains contributions from sixteen medical professionals, health practitioners and patients, in order to create an up-to-date picture of current scholarship around unexplained chronic pain and stress illness. Read more about it on our blog post, ‘Some Exciting News’. You can purchase the book in the UK here, and in the US here.
Psychophysiologic Diorders David Clarke MD, Howard Schubiner MD, Mags Clark-Smith, Allan Abbass
Other useful and informative texts include:
Mind over Medicine Lissa Rankin MD
Mind over Back Pain John Sarno MD
They Can't Find Anything Wrong! David Clarke MD
The Biology of Belief Bruce Lipton PhD
The Body Keeps the Score Bessel Van Der Kolk MD
When the Body Says No Gabor Mate MD
Meaning, Medicine and the 'Placebo Effect' Daniel Moerman PhD