The upside

As many of you noticed, I made a small mistake in last week’s email. The link to click through to my blog about the Kinesiology conference in Athlone was the same as the previous week’s link, so it actually took you to that week’s blog about sleep. As you know, the blog is published on the website at the same time as being sent out by email, meaning I include the link in advance before it’s live so it’s not possible to test it – and in this case it didn’t work! My apologies. The link still took everyone through to the website, where the new blog was already published, so I happily moved on and was ready to forget about the issue. However, there was an unexpected upside, in the number of people who contacted me directly to point it out.

There were several reasons that I began sending these fortnightly emails some years ago. One of them was to build up a body of blogs that new clients could read through when they joined, and another was to document some of the wonderful stories of resolving chronic pain from clients who were willing to share them. It is also intended as a way to discuss my research, conferences and publications, and a way to highlight interesting and useful research, thoughts and advice from elsewhere.

What I was also really hoping for was a sense of community and connection. The blogs are a way to keep in contact even with those whose sessions are less regular than every fortnight, as well as those who have resolved their pain and no longer have sessions. I always really appreciate the comments and emails you send in response to the blogs, and the discussions we have about some of them. I have never seen such a flurry of messages as I did last week! Even though it was not ideal and I apologise for including the wrong link, it was wonderful to realise how many of you had been looking forward to reading the blog. I hope you managed to find it. If not, this is a direct link (tested this time!) just in case.

As always, I very much welcome any thoughts, comments or requests you have regarding the blogs – I would be delighted to hear from you.