I am writing to let you know how things will change for you. At the moment the pain is almost unimaginable and you would give anything for it to stop, even for 30 minutes so you could just sleep. You've been stuck in a hotel room on the floor for three days and you can’t even get up to get something to eat. You know this pain is TMS, and it is quite literally curling you up into a ball under the weight of it.
You are now beginning to consciously realise something that you already knew - the TMS hasn't gone away, you've only been patching up the ship, and at some point you will have to change your tactics and confront the issue. You go to a professional - her name is Mags Clark-Smith - who you judge to specialise in exactly the issues you are having. It's a difficult step to take because you feel like you could be fuelling the issue by giving it more attention, but you also can't go in living in this fear which is crippling you.
The process begins by finding out you are a sensitive person, and that this is not average. You find out most people are not like you, to your surprise! And that sensitivity and emotional awareness is a double-edged sword; it's a huge part of the reason you're in this mess, however it's also the route out of the situation and into a better life in the future. You will begin to spend a lot of time thinking deeply about the thoughts and beliefs that you had as a child. This is part of the process of giving a voice to the inner child and beginning to break the seal on the thoughts and feelings that you had to repress as a child. You will realise that the values you thought were important were quite extreme in terms of responsibility.
You will begin to unpack those beliefs by finding different ways to voice your inner child; writing unsent letters to key childhood characters, talking to Mags and relating the lessons learnt into your current life. Even now we are currently in the middle of a process. It's difficult to know how far along the road we are - I suspect it's not even half way yet. But I am now far enough through that I can begin to believe that I can free myself from TMS/PPD and go on to live to my full potential for myself, and for those around me.